“Lavoriamo pensando a te che desideri dare forma ad un sogno e che senti di avere un talento che, con impegno e passione, può farti volare lontano”

“We have been working thinking about you.
You, the one who strives to shape his dream.
You, the one who feels talented, a talent that could make you fly through engagement and passion”


Via Flaminia, 334
00196 – Roma


Join the group

We will buy all the furnishings and equipment you need and we will supply them to you free of charge; Furthermore, we will deliver them to you and install them for free. We will also give you all the services needed to open your Adorata cafe. You only have the right of entry and any adjustments to be made to the premises. After 5 years, all the furnishings and equipment that we have provided will remain your property with a symbolic redemption of only 10 euros

For you we will be real partners: we will support you before and after the opening of the restaurant, we will support our specialized staff and provide you with everything you need for your business. We will have the same involvement in the success of your business: for this reason we will transfer the advantageous commercial conditions and the quality of the products selected over years of experience and collaboration with our suppliers.

You will ask yourself: “How will I deal with the management of a restaurant without previous experience?”
We will offer you free training, transferring all the necessary skills to manage your Adorata Cafe.

Thanks to the supply of furniture and equipment for free use, you will not have to incur large amounts of money for their purchase: we will give you everything you need. Furthermore, you will have a really high average mark-up on the sale of our products.

We will buy all the furnishings and equipment you need and we will supply them to you free of charge; Furthermore, we will deliver them to you and install them for free. We will also give you all the services needed to open your Adorata cafe. You only have the right of entry and any adjustments to be made to the premises. After 5 years, all the furnishings and equipment that we have provided will remain your property with a symbolic redemption of only 10 euros

For you we will be real partners: we will support you before and after the opening of the restaurant, we will support our specialized staff and provide you with everything you need for your business. We will have the same involvement in the success of your business: for this reason we will transfer the advantageous commercial conditions and the quality of the products you selected over years of experience and collaboration with our suppliers.

You will ask yourself: “How will I deal with the management of a restaurant without previous experience?”
We will offer you free training, transferring all the necessary skills to manage your Adorata Cafe.

Thanks to the supply of furniture and equipment for free use, you will not have to incur large amounts of money for their purchase: we will give you everything you need. Furthermore, you will have a really high average mark-up on the sale of our ice cream, at least 330%.